Day 3, Meal 5

My Rating:

As I’ve tried several pasta, sauce and topping options by now, I wanted to continue avoiding duplicates for a little longer. One thing I have yet to have was Angel Hair, Creamy Mushroom or Grilled Chicken, so that is what I went with for Meal 5:

This visit was at the ORLANDO – WATERFORD LAKES NEAR UCF location. The Angel Hair pasta reminded me of more of Ramen Noodles than Spaghetti, from a texture perspective. It was still good, but just not as good as the others.

The Creamy Mushroom sauce was good, but lacked the bold, strong flavor I’m used to with the other sauces. I guess the best way to explain would be saying it is somewhat bland, especially for the amount of calories. I’m guessing it’s more butter/cream based vs the awesome cheesy flavor I’m used to. Again, still a good meal, but my least favorite sauce so far as well.

Of the 7 pasta, 6 sauces and 5 toppings available, I have 2 pastas and 1 sauce left to try before doing new combinations Gluten-Free Rotini and Whole Grain Linguini remain for new pasta choices, and Traditional Marinara remains the sole sauce left to try. I have tried every topping choice now. After that, I can do some cool combinations mixing and matching! I guess I know what sauce I’m having for dinner, but I need to decide which Pasta and Topping to have.

Here is the ziosk showing what my food would have cost, for a cost savings of $15.21 with tax:

Here is the nutritional information for this meal:

Time to head to the gym soon!

Day 3, Meal 6
Day 2, Meal 4